Payment and delivery


Payment can be made by bank transfer to an account that is sent during the order process or by card using ComGate payment gateway operated by ComGate Payments, a.s., VAT ID: CZ27924505, We do not charge fees for payment, however your card company or your bank may charge you.

Credit card payment

The fastest way to pay online. In the ComGate payment gateway interface, enter the card number, validity date and CVC code - three numbers, which you will find in the signature strip on the back of the card. Everything is secured by the 3D Secure standard, so you will probably be asked to enter a numeric code, which you will receive by SMS from your bank.

Payment by bank transfer

Immediate payment via internet banking. The ComGate payment gateway redirects you to your internet banking, where you log in as usual and confirm the already prepared payment order. 

After completing the payment, you will be redirected back to the store. Payment is confirmed immediately, we will continue to execute the order without delay.


ComGate Payments, a.s.
Gočárova třída 1754 / 48b, Hradec Králové
Tel:  +420 228 224 267


Dobírka DPD

We use DPD services to transport goods. For more information about the carrier visit the website.

The shipment can be tracked by: Tracking your shipment. Carrier information line: 841 700 700.

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